Sweet Beginnings
Sweet Melissa began baking professionally in the Spring of 2016, after retirement from the NJ Public School System, where she taught middle school science and language arts for over 10 years. Prior to opening The Goodness Cafe, you could find Sweet Melissa Goodness; her gourmet pop tarts, cookie sandwiches, blondies, mini-layer cakes, macarons, and much more, at several coffee shops and markets on Long Beach Island. She is passionate about baking not only because it is a perfect blend of science and art, but also because it evokes a sense of nostalgia from her youth. Sweet Melissa is proud to be a self-taught baker. From a very early age she remembers watching her Grandmother and Mother at work in the kitchen, making the delicious recipes she uses today. She attributes her artistic ability to both of her parents, each a talented artisan in their own way.